Pushing search engines forward with Meilisearch and Bump.sh

How did they meet Bump.sh?

Guillaume Mourier joined the Meilisearch “Core Team” in April 2021 as a Product Manager. He quickly started to work on one of their missions: keeping their OpenAPI spec up-to-date. This spec is essential and used daily by the other teams as they need to connect to the API constantly.

We could mention the Integration team, which builds custom SDKs on specific languages requested by their users. Or the Documentation team, working on the API reference, guides and tutorials.

GitHub is not optimized to follow changes and crucial elements, like naming in the API, which can quickly become complex to handle.

Keeping the OpenAPI Spec updated and accessible is a big priority for everyone. They quickly realized that developing such a rich and dense API could be a challenge to maintain: GitHub is not optimized to follow changes and crucial elements, like naming in the API, which can quickly become complex to handle.

Guillaume started searching for solutions and looked on Twitter for other teams experiencing the same situation. Sébastien, CEO of Bump.sh, reached out him in DM and offered to talk a bit about the problems Meilisearch was trying to solve. And we, of course, kept the original tweet:

Guillaume tweeting about collaborative API prototyping solution

How does Bump.sh help them?

Starting with Bump.sh was a fluid process: a quick onboarding gets you to upload your first specs.

One of the main objectives for Guillaume and his team was to immediately see the spec changes to track, document and fix them if required. Bump.sh naturally merged with their daily processes and quickly became an automatism within the team, thanks to the GitHub action integrations.

Back then, Bump.sh product updates were already released on a daily basis (they still are). Guillaume sincerely appreciated that he could share feedback and discuss with our team about the features and changes that made sense to him and his team. He felt that he wasn’t “just” a customer. Way more than that, his voice was heard and understood. It was a kind of partnership he didn’t experience a lot before Bump.sh.

After the first deployment, Meilisearch’s teams quickly noticed significant changes in their workflows. Breaking changes, typos and other issues were immediately detected and fixed without delay. The teams were now sure that they were working with a stable, reliable version of their API at any time. For Guillaume, who was in charge of designing the spec, editing the OpenAPI and maintaining it, the integration of Bump.sh with his own workflow was seamless and performance met his expectations.

He has obviously his own “feature requests list” in mind, but he’s not worried to see them coming on Bump.sh: he sees that updates are released regularly, and that the team listens and tries to build the best product possible. And he saw himself how Meilisearch was able to benefit to Bump.sh.

We care a lot about our relationship with Guillaume and his team here at Bump.sh. Their feedback and the talks helped us build a better, stronger tool. We’re committed and proud to supporting projects, teams, and communities worldwide with their API ecosystems, and we can’t wait to show you what’s coming up next.

Ready to embrace your API changes?

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