Delete a registered device's update token

DELETE /push/channelSubscriptions

Delete a device details object.

Query parameters

  • channel string

    Filter to restrict to subscriptions associated with that channel.

  • deviceId string

    Must be set when clientId is empty, cannot be used with clientId.

  • clientId string

    Must be set when deviceId is empty, cannot be used with deviceId.


DELETE /push/channelSubscriptions
curl \
Response examples (default)
# Headers
x-ably-errorcode: 42
x-ably-errormessage: string
x-ably-serverid: string

# Payload
  "message": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "statusCode": 42,
  "href": "string",
  "serverId": "string"
Response examples (default)
# Headers
x-ably-errorcode: 42
x-ably-errormessage: string
x-ably-serverid: string

# Payload
  "message": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "statusCode": 42,
  "href": "string",
  "serverId": "string"