Retrieve usage statistics for an application

GET /stats

The Ably system can be queried to obtain usage statistics for a given application, and results are provided aggregated across all channels in use in the application in the specified period. Stats may be used to track usage against account quotas.

Query parameters

  • start string
  • limit integer

    Default value is 100.

  • end string

    Default value is now.

  • Values are forwards or backwards. Default value is backwards.

  • unit string

    Specifies the unit of aggregation in the returned results.

    Values are minute, hour, day, or month. Default value is minute.


GET /stats
curl \
Response examples (2XX)
Response examples (2XX)
Response examples (default)
# Headers
x-ably-errorcode: 42
x-ably-errormessage: string
x-ably-serverid: string

# Payload
  "message": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "statusCode": 42,
  "href": "string",
  "serverId": "string"
Response examples (default)
# Headers
x-ably-errorcode: 42
x-ably-errormessage: string
x-ably-serverid: string

# Payload
  "message": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "statusCode": 42,
  "href": "string",
  "serverId": "string"