Get one document

GET /indexes/{indexUid}/documents/{documentId}

Get one document using its unique id.

Path parameters

Query parameters

  • fields string

    Comma-separated list of fields to display for an API resource. By default it contains all fields of an API resource.

    Default value is *.


GET /indexes/{indexUid}/documents/{documentId}
curl \
 -X GET{documentId} \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "id": 25684,
  "title": "American Ninja 5",
  "poster": "",
  "overview": "When a scientists daughter is kidnapped, American Ninja, attempts to find her, but this time he teams up with a youngster he has trained in the ways of the ninja.",
  "release_date": 725846400
Response examples (401)
  "message": "The Authorization header is missing. It must use the bearer authorization method.",
  "code": "missing_authorization_header",
  "type": "auth",
  "link": ""