Create Order

POST /v1/order/create

Order Sync API is designed to store the order details sent by the user. User can send the order details as per the menu created though the Menu Sync API. The order details saved through this API can be seen on EPOS Admin panel. Here for the understanding purpose, the API JSON Schema is divided into few parts explaining about its purpose and details.


Body Required

Save Order Data

  • business-details object Required

    This includes the 'business-id' key. Every business registered with us has a unique random business ID, and the integration partner will have access to it.

    Hide business-details attribute Show business-details attribute
    • business-id string Required

      Unique ID of the business

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 10. Default value is empty.

  • customer object Required

    In this block, the primary information of the customer who has placed the order needs to be added here.

    Hide customer attributes Show customer attributes
    • name string Required

      Name of the customer

      Minimum length is 2, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

    • email string Required

      Email ID of the customer

      Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 100. Default value is empty.

    • phone string Required

      Phone number of the customer

      Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 15. Default value is empty.

    • address object Required

      It contains the customer address details

      Hide address attributes Show address attributes
      • flat string Required

        Customer's flat details

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • street string Required

        Customer's street name

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • city string Required

        Customer's city name

        Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • postcode string Required

        Customer's postcode

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 10. Default value is empty.

  • order object Required

    This section contains multiple subsections such as details, items, payment, and discount, which hold relevant information about the order's details.

    Hide order attributes Show order attributes
    • details object Required

      It contains the primary information about the given order, such as its ID, type, total amount, tax, discount, tip, and delivery charges.

      Hide details attributes Show details attributes
      • order-id string Required

        Order ID of the given order

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • order-type string Required

        Order type of the given order.

        Values are eat_in, take_away, delivery, drive_thru, or collection.

      • order-status string Required

        Status of the order

        Values are placed, completed, cancelled, or test_order.

      • total-tax number Required

        The total-tax amount should be equal to the summation of all the individual items' and their modifiers' 'tax_amount'.

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • total-discount number Required

        It needs to be equal to the 'amount' mentioned in the 'discount' section. It is the discount amount given for that order.

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • total-amount number Required

        It should be equal to the summation of all the individual items' (price * quantity) and their modifiers' (price * quantity) amounts.

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • tip-amount number Required

        This amount is tip given for the current order.

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • delivery-charges number Required

        Charges collected for delivery

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

    • items array[object] Required

      This section contains the item details. Items may be treated as regular items of type 'item' or 'pizza', or combo items like 'meal-deal', 'mix-and-match', or 'query-meal', etc. Each item may have modifiers. Combo items will definitely have items of type 'item'.

      Default value is [] (empty).

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • plu string Required

        PLU of the given item

        Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • size-plu string Required

        Size PLU of the given item. For the combo item, keep size-plu as an empty string ('').

        Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • quantity integer Required

        Quntity of the item

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • price number Required

        Price of the item

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • tax-amount number Required

        Tax amoiunt for the item

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • type string Required

        Type of the current item.

        Values are item, pizza, meal-deal, query-meal-deal, or mix-and-match.

      • topping-style string Required

        If the item 'type' is 'pizza', then the value should be either 'half_and_half' or 'regular'. Otherwise, pass an empty string ('').

        Values are half_and_half,, regular,, or .

      • taxes array[object] Required

        If the 'tax-amount' for the given item is greater than zero (0), then pass the tax items to the 'taxes' array. Otherwise, keep the array empty ([]).

        Hide taxes attributes Show taxes attributes object
        • tax-plu string Required

          PLU value of the given tax item.

          Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

        • tax-amount number Required

          Tax amount of for the item

          Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

        • tax-percentage number Required

          Tax percentage of the item

          Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • options array[object] Required

        If the 'type' of the current item is 'item' or 'pizza', then 'options' will contain modifiers for that item. If the current item 'type' is a combo meal, then the options will contain the items of that combo meal.

        Default value is [] (empty).

        Hide options attributes Show options attributes object
        • type string Required

          If the type of the main item is 'item' or 'pizza', then the value of 'type' should be 'modifier'; otherwise, it should be 'item'.

          Default value is empty.

        • data array[object] Required

          The modifier information should be in 'data' if the current item is 'item' or 'pizza'. For combo item, 'data' should also have the details of its items.

          Default value is [] (empty).

          Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
          • plu string Required

            It's the PLU of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

          • size-plu string Required

            It's the SIZE PLU of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

          • If the item 'type' is pizza, then the value should be either 'half-and-half' or 'regular'. Otherwise, an empty string should be passed.

            Values are half_and_half,, regular,, or .

          • Enter the split-part of the modifier when the current item type is 'pizza'. For other types of items, just pass an empty string ('').

            Default value is empty.

          • quantity integer Required

            It's the quantity of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

          • price number Required

            It's the price of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

          • discount-amount number Required

            It's the discount amount of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

          • tax-amount number Required

            It's the tax of the item or modifier depending on the 'type' of the main item.

            Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

          • taxes array[object] Required

            If the 'tax-amount' for the given item or modifier is greater than zero (0), then pass the tax items to the 'taxes' array. Otherwise, keep the array empty ([]).

            Default value is [] (empty).

            Hide taxes attributes Show taxes attributes object
            • tax-plu string Required

              PLU value of the given tax item.

              Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

            • tax-amount number Required

              Amount of the given tax item.

              Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

            • tax-percentage number Required

              Percentage of the given tax item.

              Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

          • options array[object] Required

            If the type of the current item is a combo item or meal, then inside the 'options' array, pass the modifier information in the same way as it is passed for the regular item or pizza. Else, keep the array empty ([]).

            Default value is [] (empty).

            Hide options attributes Show options attributes object
            • type string Required

              Here, pass the modifier value only

              Value is modifier.

            • data array[object] Required

              It contains the modifier data

              Default value is [] (empty).

              Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
              • plu string Required

                PLU of the modifier

                Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

              • size-plu string Required

                Size PLU of the modifier

                Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

              • Enter the split-part of the modifier when the current item type is 'pizza'. For other types of items, just pass an empty string ('').

                Default value is empty.

              • quantity integer Required

                Quantity of the modifier

                Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

              • price number Required

                Price of the modifier

                Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

              • tax-amount number Required

                Tax amount of the modifier

                Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

              • taxes array[object] Required

                It contains the tax details of tax applied on the modifier

                Default value is [] (empty).

                Hide taxes attributes Show taxes attributes object
                • tax-plu string Required

                  PLU of the tax

                  Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

                • tax-amount number Required

                  Amount of the tax

                  Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

                • tax-percentage number Required

                  Percentage of the tax

                  Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

    • payment array[object] Required

      It contains the payment information of the order

      Default value is [] (empty).

      Hide payment attributes Show payment attributes object
      • type string Required

        Type of the payment

        Values are cash, card, or third_party.

      • amount number Required

        Payment amount

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • change number Required

        Change amount

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.

      • payment-id string Required

        Unique ID of the payment

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • card-4-digit string Required

        Enter the last 4 digits of the card if payment 'type' is 'card'. Otherwise keep it blank.

        Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 4.

      • card-type string Required

        Enter the last 4 digits of the card if payment 'type' is 'card'. Otherwise keep it blank.

        Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 25.

    • discount array[object] Required

      The order may have multiple discounts. If not, then just pass an empty array ([]). It is mandatory if 'order/details/total-discount' is greater than 0.

      Default value is [] (empty).

      Hide discount attributes Show discount attributes object
      • plu string Required

        PLU of the discount

        Minimum length is 3, maximum length is 50. Default value is empty.

      • type string Required

        Type of the discount offered

        Values are promo_code, staff_discount, or discount_on_bill.

      • amount number Required

        Discount amount

        Minimum value is 0. Default value is 0.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful operation

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • status integer(int32)

      status code of the response

      Default value is 200.

    • message string

      response message

      Default value is Data saved successfully!.

  • 400 application/json

    Incorrect Input

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • status integer(int32)

      status code of the response

      Default value is 400.

    • message string

      response message

      Default value is Please check the input and try again!.

  • 403 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • status integer(int32)

      status code of the response

      Default value is 403.

    • message string

      response message

      Default value is Please check the credentials and try again!.

  • 404 application/json

    Something went wrong. Please try again!

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • status integer(int32)

      status code of the response

      Default value is 404.

    • message string

      response message

      Default value is Something went wrong. Please try again!.

POST /v1/order/create
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"business-details":{"business-id":"123456"},"customer":{"name":"John Doe","email":"[email protected]","phone":"01234567893","address":{"flat":"1/15","street":"kingsknowe court","city":"edinburgh","postcode":"EH14 2JS"}},"order":{"details":{"order-id":"API108","order-type":"eat_in","order-status":"placed","total-tax":2,"total-discount":10,"total-amount":12,"tip-amount":2,"delivery-charges":3.5},"items":[{"plu":"item_00006","size-plu":"item_multi_0006","quantity":2,"price":3,"discount-amount":0,"tax-amount":1,"total-with-tax":2,"type":"item","topping-style":"","taxes":[{"tax-plu":"tax_00001","tax-amount":1,"tax-percentage":20}],"options":[{"type":"modifier","data":[{"plu":"mod_00006","size-plu":"mod_multi_00007","quantity":2,"price":3,"split-part":"","discount-amount":0,"tax-amount":1,"total-with-tax":1.99,"taxes":[{"tax-plu":"tax_00001","tax-amount":0.3,"tax-percentage":20},{"tax-plu":"tax_00001","tax-amount":0.7,"tax-percentage":20}],"options":[]},{"plu":"mod_00006","size-plu":"mod_multi_00008","quantity":2,"price":3,"split-part":"","discount-amount":0,"tax-amount":1,"total-with-tax":1.99,"taxes":[{"tax-plu":"tax_00001","tax-amount":0.2,"tax-percentage":20},{"tax-plu":"tax_00001","tax-amount":0.8,"tax-percentage":20}],"options":[]}]}]}],"payment":[{"type":"cash","amount":40,"change":10,"payment-id":"1234567781","card-4-digit":"","card-type":""},{"type":"card","amount":7.5,"change":0,"payment-id":"123456773sfcsdvd","card-4-digit":"1234","card-type":"visa"}],"discount":[{"plu":"mix_and_match_0001","type":"promo_code","amount":10}]}}'
  "business-details": {
    "business-id": "123456"
  "customer": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "01234567893",
    "address": {
      "flat": "1/15",
      "street": "kingsknowe court",
      "city": "edinburgh",
      "postcode": "EH14 2JS"
  "order": {
    "details": {
      "order-id": "API108",
      "order-type": "eat_in",
      "order-status": "placed",
      "total-tax": 2,
      "total-discount": 10,
      "total-amount": 12,
      "tip-amount": 2,
      "delivery-charges": 3.5
    "items": [
        "plu": "item_00006",
        "size-plu": "item_multi_0006",
        "quantity": 2,
        "price": 3,
        "discount-amount": 0,
        "tax-amount": 1,
        "total-with-tax": 2,
        "type": "item",
        "topping-style": "",
        "taxes": [
            "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
            "tax-amount": 1,
            "tax-percentage": 20
        "options": [
            "type": "modifier",
            "data": [
                "plu": "mod_00006",
                "size-plu": "mod_multi_00007",
                "quantity": 2,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 1,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.3,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.7,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "mod_00006",
                "size-plu": "mod_multi_00008",
                "quantity": 2,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 1,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.2,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.8,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
    "payment": [
        "type": "cash",
        "amount": 40,
        "change": 10,
        "payment-id": "1234567781",
        "card-4-digit": "",
        "card-type": ""
        "type": "card",
        "amount": 7.5,
        "change": 0,
        "payment-id": "123456773sfcsdvd",
        "card-4-digit": "1234",
        "card-type": "visa"
    "discount": [
        "plu": "mix_and_match_0001",
        "type": "promo_code",
        "amount": 10
  "business-details": {
    "business-id": "123456"
  "customer": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "01234567893",
    "address": {
      "flat": "1/15",
      "street": "kingsknowe court",
      "city": "edinburgh",
      "postcode": "EH14 2JS"
  "order": {
    "details": {
      "order-id": "API106",
      "order-type": "eat_in",
      "order-status": "placed",
      "total-tax": 10,
      "total-discount": 5,
      "total-amount": 41,
      "tip-amount": 2,
      "delivery-charges": 3.5
    "items": [
        "plu": "pizaa_00009",
        "size-plu": "pizza_multi_00001",
        "quantity": 2,
        "price": 4,
        "discount-amount": 0,
        "tax-amount": 3,
        "total-with-tax": 2,
        "type": "pizza",
        "topping-style": "regular",
        "taxes": [
            "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
            "tax-amount": 1,
            "tax-percentage": 20
            "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
            "tax-amount": 2,
            "tax-percentage": 20
        "options": [
            "type": "modifier",
            "data": [
                "plu": "M-DE-2b36",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-5230-1",
                "quantity": 2,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 1,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.1,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.9,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-TH-5a07",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-17ca-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-HA-7af0",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-6d59-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-SP-0e73",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-a303-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "left",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
    "payment": [
        "type": "cash",
        "amount": 24.5,
        "change": 2,
        "payment-id": "1234567781",
        "card-4-digit": "",
        "card-type": ""
        "type": "card",
        "amount": 19,
        "change": 0,
        "payment-id": "123456773",
        "card-4-digit": "4321",
        "card-type": "visa"
    "discount": [
        "plu": "mix_and_match_0001",
        "type": "promo_code",
        "amount": 5
  "business-details": {
    "business-id": "123456"
  "customer": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "01234567893",
    "address": {
      "flat": "1/15",
      "street": "kingsknowe court",
      "city": "edinburgh",
      "postcode": "EH14 2JS"
  "order": {
    "details": {
      "order-id": "API105",
      "order-type": "eat_in",
      "order-status": "placed",
      "total-tax": 16,
      "total-discount": 5,
      "total-amount": 68,
      "tip-amount": 2,
      "delivery-charges": 3.5
    "items": [
        "plu": "pizaa_00009",
        "size-plu": "pizza_multi_00001",
        "quantity": 2,
        "price": 4,
        "discount-amount": 0,
        "tax-amount": 3,
        "total-with-tax": 2,
        "type": "pizza",
        "topping-style": "half_and_half",
        "taxes": [
            "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
            "tax-amount": 1,
            "tax-percentage": 20
            "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
            "tax-amount": 2,
            "tax-percentage": 20
        "options": [
            "type": "modifier",
            "data": [
                "plu": "M-DE-2b36",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-5230-1",
                "quantity": 2,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 1,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.1,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.9,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-TH-5a07",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-17ca-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "left",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-OT-6bad",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-25d0-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "right",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-HA-7af0",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-6d59-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-MU-d50d",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-d8f8-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "right",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-SP-0e73",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-a303-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "left",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
                "plu": "M-MU-921b",
                "size-plu": "M-MP-SM-3465-1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 3,
                "split-part": "right",
                "discount-amount": 0,
                "tax-amount": 2,
                "total-with-tax": 1.99,
                "taxes": [
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 1.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                    "tax-plu": "tax_00001",
                    "tax-amount": 0.5,
                    "tax-percentage": 20
                "options": []
    "payment": [
        "type": "cash",
        "amount": 24.5,
        "change": 2,
        "payment-id": "1234567781",
        "card-4-digit": "",
        "card-type": ""
        "type": "card",
        "amount": 46,
        "change": 0,
        "payment-id": "123456773",
        "card-4-digit": "4321",
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    "discount": [
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Response examples (200)
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Response examples (400)
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Response examples (403)
  "status": 403,
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Response examples (404)
  "status": 404,
  "message": "Something went wrong. Please try again!"