Grafterr APIs

Grafterr offers a comprehensive suite of RESTful APIs that deliver responses in JSON format. You can interact with Grafterr APIs in two modes: Sandbox and Production. The Sandbox environment provides a secure and isolated testing ground for customers to seamlessly integrate their systems with Grafterr's APIs. Once the integration is complete and satisfactory, customers can seamlessly transition to the Production environment for real-world integration.


Environment Base URL

Customer needs to include the above base URL before each endpoint to make API calls.

API Authorization

Grafterr APIs are authorized using Bearer Token in Authorization Header. Authorization token can be created using cliend_id and client_secret. Each environment mode requires a unique API key, client_id, and client_secret, which will be provided to the customer. For detailed instructions on generating API credentials, please refer to the Authentication section.

Authorization: Bearer <token>

An x-api-key needs to be added to the request header, this will be provided by Grafterr Team. To get your API key, customer needs to login into onboarding panel. In API Settings section, under API Keys tab, customer can see its Client ID, Client Secret and X API KEY

x-api-key: <key>

Rate Limit

Grafterr APIs enforce rate limits to ensure optimal performance and prevent excessive resource utilization. Customers are restricted to a specific number of requests per second. Exceeding this limit will trigger a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP status code. To obtain details regarding your account's assigned rate limit, please contact the Grafterr team.


To fetch the order related inforamtion, the customer has to register the its endpoints to fetch data regrading orders. To register webhooks, customer need to login on to the onboarding planel. There under 'API Settings' section, customer can find the Webhook tab. Using Add Enpoint option, customer can register its endpoints. There customer has to enter the Enpoint URL, Description, and select the relevant event. Customer can select here multiple events. There are mainly two types of events namely created and updated.

For created event, customer can select following options:

  1. pos order created
  2. web order created
  3. selfkisosk order created

Similarly for updated event, customer is given follwoing options:

  1. pos order updated
  2. web order updated
  3. selfkiosk order updated

Response Codes

The API sends standard HTTP response codes in the header, a list of the commonly used header codes are as given below:

200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
405 Method Not Allowed
408 Request Timeout
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
504 Gateway Timeout

This is the documentation for version 1.0.0 of the API. Last update on May 15, 2024.

Base URL