Update a registrations, based on parameters sent in BODY
Path parameters
Resource ID
Query parameters
confirm_registration string
confirm_late string
Body Required
Not all properties can be submitted at the same time talk to martin about it:)
Setting Attendance
Send action: set_attendance along with minimum of these: - event_id - attendance
action string
Values are
, orcancel_waitlist
. -
notify_alternate_email string
notify_alternate_email_only boolean
slots integer
notify boolean
notify_about_upcoming_events boolean
schedule_id integer
extra_replacements_limit integer
company_note string
public_note string
payments_managed_by integer
Registraton ID
invoice_profile integer
Used with Set_Attendance
attendance string
Used with Set_Attendance
- attended - Attended the event
- going - Planning to attend the meeting.
- ignore - Hide this attendance record from attendance overview. Zooza will set attendance as ignored when moving to a schedule that already started for events in the past
- deleted - Deleted attendance record. Zooza will set this automatically for example when cancelling replacement event
- canceled - Event canceled
- canceled_late - If canceled after cancellation limit (not used)
- hold - used as a waitlist for single events (not used)
- noshow - Did not attend
- waitlist - Replacement waitlist
Values are
, orwaitlist
. -
consent string
Used with Set_Attendance (not required)
other_company string
Used with Set_Attendance
cancellation_reason string
Used with Set_Attendance
use_voucher boolean
Used with Set_Attendance
curl \
--request PUT https://api.zooza.app/v1/registrations/{ID} \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"action":"set_attendance","notify_alternate_email":"string","notify_alternate_email_only":true,"slots":42,"notify":true,"notify_about_upcoming_events":true,"schedule_id":42,"extra_replacements_limit":42,"company_note":"string","public_note":"string","payments_managed_by":42,"invoice_profile":42,"attendance":"attended","consent":"string","other_company":"string","cancellation_reason":"string","use_voucher":true}'
Request examples
"action": "set_attendance",
"notify_alternate_email": "string",
"notify_alternate_email_only": true,
"slots": 42,
"notify": true,
"notify_about_upcoming_events": true,
"schedule_id": 42,
"extra_replacements_limit": 42,
"company_note": "string",
"public_note": "string",
"payments_managed_by": 42,
"invoice_profile": 42,
"attendance": "attended",
"consent": "string",
"other_company": "string",
"cancellation_reason": "string",
"use_voucher": true
Response examples (200)