Get agreement

GET /agreements/{ID}

Path parameters

  • ID integer Required

    Resource ID


  • 200 application/json

    Api will return agreement by it's ID (version id)

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id integer

      Agreement version ID

    • Agreement ID

    • ID of company that record belongs to

    • order integer

      Denotes order in which the agreement will appear in the form

    • name string

      Name is shown in the registration form. This is the name of the agreement and can contain |AGREEMENT_URL|. If present, this var needs to be replaced with url:{ID}. Should you want to display agreement inline within the registration form, use also Title and Description for full text of the agreement.

    • title string

      Title is shown to user when displaying agreement's detail.

    • Description is shown to user when displaying agreement's detail.

    • mandatory boolean

      All mandatory agreements need to be posted back to API (with full object containing title, description and name). Non-mandatory agreements should be sent only when given consent (e.g. Radio button is selected or checkbox is selected).

    • valid_from string(date-time)

      Date from which this agreement version is valid

    • type string

      Type of form input used to give consent with agreement. *none: No input is used. The consent is given by clicking the Register button *radio: Yes and No options are shown to user. If mandatory, any one of those two choices need to be selected *checkbox: Checkbox is shown to user. If mandatory, checkbox needs to be checked

      Values are none, radio, or checkbox.

    • for string

      Denotes to which application this agreement is targeted. *registration: When doing POST/registrations *checkout: When doing POST/orders *feedback: When doing POST/feedback_requests

      Values are registration, checkout, or feedback.

    • created string(date-time)
    • updated string(date-time)
    • *everyone: The agreement is always shown *course: Agreement is required only for courses that match course_ids within courses property *feedback: Feedback form *members: Internal consents for company members

      Values are everyone, course, feedback, or members.

    • region string
    • courses array[integer]

      Used to match agreement to particular course. Use only if property apply_for is set to: course

GET /agreements/{ID}
curl \
 --request GET{ID}
Response examples (200)
  "id": 42,
  "agreement_id": 42,
  "company_id": "string",
  "order": 42,
  "name": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "mandatory": true,
  "valid_from": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "type": "none",
  "for": "registration",
  "created": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "updated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "apply_for": "everyone",
  "region": "string",
  "courses": [