Get general configuration Stably Ramp

GET /configuration

Get general configuration Stably Ramp


  • 200 application/json

    Successful operation

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • version string
    • features object
      Hide features attributes Show features attributes object
      • quotes object
        Hide quotes attribute Show quotes attribute object
      • buy object
        Hide buy attributes Show buy attributes object
        • enabled boolean
        • A structure defining the recurring payment feature. If omitted, Stably Ramp only supports one-time payments.

          Hide recurring attributes Show recurring attributes object
          • enabled boolean

            If true, Stably Ramp supports recurring payments. If false, Stably Ramp only supports one-time payments.

          • frequencies array[string]

            The list of frequencies supported by Stably Ramp.

            Values are weekly or monthly.

        • redirectOrderId array[string]

          After the buy flow has been performed in Stably Ramp widget, the user is redirected to the "redirectUrl" initially provided to the widget. An order Id parameter is appended to this redirection URL so the order status can be tracked. This parameter name is specified here. Multiple parameter names can be provided, and the first matching one will be used.

        • If true, StablyRamp On-Ramp may provide an order custom ID when displaying the buy widget. This custom ID will be used to retrieve order status and details if an order is placed by the user later

        • browser string

          APP_BROWSER displays the buy screen in a dedicated browser isolated from any other browsers installed on the mobile phone. IN_APP_OS_BROWSER uses the Operating System browser inside the mobile app. It can reuse existing cookies and user sessions.

          Values are IN_APP_OS_BROWSER or APP_BROWSER.

        • If not empty, this value will be used in API calls as the HTTP header "User-Agent".

      • Hide orderTracking attribute Show orderTracking attribute object
      • Hide orderAnalytics attribute Show orderAnalytics attribute object
    • countries array[object]

      The list of countries and states Stably Ramp supports.

      Hide countries attributes Show countries attributes object
    • payments array[object]
      Hide payments attributes Show payments attributes object
      • id string

        Values are debit-credit-card, apple-pay, sepa-bank-transfer, gbp-bank-transfer, ach-bank-transfer, upi, or pix.

      • unsupported array[object]
        Hide unsupported attributes Show unsupported attributes object
    • fiat array[object]
      Hide fiat attributes Show fiat attributes object
    • crypto array[object]
      Hide crypto attributes Show crypto attributes object
      • id string

        A Stably Ramp-specific id of the crypto currency. It just needs to be unique for each crypto currency. A crypto currency available on multiple networks must be declared once for each network. IDs can be prefixed by the network name, for example "ETH-Mainnet" and "ETH-Arbitrum". The ID won't be shown to the user and is mainly used for referencing this crypto in your endpoints.

      • address string

        The smart contract address for this crypto currency. If it is a native token (ex ETH on mainnet) use 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

      • network string

        The network ID (or chain ID) of the blockchain network. (ex "1" for ethereum mainnet)

      • paymentLimits array[object]
        Hide paymentLimits attributes Show paymentLimits attributes object
        • id string

          The ID of a payment method defined in the "payments" property

        • min string
        • max string
      • unsupported array[object]
        Hide unsupported attributes Show unsupported attributes object
  • 500 application/json

    An unexpected error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • error string

      A description of the unexpected error.

    • code integer

      The error code associated with the unexpected error.

    • message string

      A detailed error message explaining the issue.

GET /configuration
curl \
Response examples (200)
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "features": {
    "quotes": {
      "enabled": true
    "buy": {
      "enabled": true,
      "recurring": {
        "enabled": true,
        "frequencies": [
      "redirectOrderId": [
      "orderCustomId": true,
      "browser": "IN_APP_OS_BROWSER",
      "userAgent": "string"
    "orderTracking": {
      "enabled": true
    "orderAnalytics": {
      "enabled": true
  "countries": [
      "id": "us",
      "states": [
      "unsupported": [
          "region": "NY",
          "payment": "string",
          "fiat": "string",
          "crypto": "string",
          "feature": "buy"
  "payments": [
      "id": "debit-credit-card",
      "unsupported": [
          "region": "NY",
          "payment": "string",
          "fiat": "string",
          "crypto": "string",
          "feature": "buy"
  "fiat": [
      "id": "USD",
      "paymentLimits": [
          "id": "debit-credit-card",
          "min": "10",
          "max": "50000"
      "unsupported": [
          "region": "NY",
          "payment": "string",
          "fiat": "string",
          "crypto": "string",
          "feature": "buy"
  "crypto": [
      "id": "eth",
      "address": "0x000000000",
      "network": "1",
      "paymentLimits": [
          "id": "debit-credit-card",
          "min": "10",
          "max": "50000"
      "unsupported": [
          "region": "NY",
          "payment": "string",
          "fiat": "string",
          "crypto": "string",
          "feature": "buy"
Response examples (500)
  "error": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "message": "string"