Returns a single on ramp order executed by the user

GET /orders/{orderId}

Returns a single on ramp order executed by the user

Path parameters

Query parameters

  • walletAddress string Required

    The wallet address supposedly associated with the order. This is used as a security measure preventing random order browsing.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful operation

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • customId string

      If the "order custom ID" is enabled in the /configuration endpoint, an ID provided by StablyRamp allowing to retrieve the order.

    • userId string
    • crypto object
      Hide crypto attributes Show crypto attributes object
    • fiat string

      The ISO 4217 code of the fiat currency used to pay for the order.

    • payment string

      The payment method used to buy the crypto. The ID defined in the configuration.

    • A provider-defined payment method, providing more details than the payment field. For example, if a VISA credit card was used with with the "debit-credit-card" payment method, this field may contain "VISA".

    • The exchange rate used to get the amount of crypto

    • processingFees array[object]
      Hide processingFees attributes Show processingFees attributes object
    • networkFees array[object]
      Hide networkFees attributes Show networkFees attributes object
    • partnerFees array[object]
      Hide partnerFees attributes Show partnerFees attributes object
    • The hash of the transaction transfering the crypto to the user wallet. Depending on Stably Ramp behavior, transfers could be bundled and a single transaction could be linked to multiple orders.

    • The wallet address of the user. When the order is completed, crypto funds are sent to this address.

    • status string

      The status of the order. Pending orders are periodically polled by StablyRamp. Completed, failed or cancelled orders are never polled again once StablyRamp detects one of these statuses


    • If applicable, a code defined by Stably Ramp, providing more details than the StablyRamp-defined status field.

    • If applicable, information explaining how the order has its current status.

    • An value identifying Consensys/StablyRamp as the partner associated with the transaction

    • The type of the order. "BUY" for a buy order, "SELL" for a sell order.

      Values are BUY or SELL.

  • 500 application/json

    An unexpected error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • error string

      A description of the unexpected error.

    • code integer

      The error code associated with the unexpected error.

    • message string

      A detailed error message explaining the issue.

GET /orders/{orderId}
curl \
 -X GET{orderId}?walletAddress=string
Response examples (200)
  "id": "cd7ad58d",
  "customId": "p2nf67p1312nffgmubisg77ego4hrhx6lrxh21hd3e558qxsx57g9j5p0u7nl7hz",
  "userId": "user-52324447448",
  "link": "",
  "crypto": {
    "id": "eth",
    "address": "0x000000000",
    "network": "ethereum"
  "fiatAmountInUsd": "100",
  "fiat": "USD",
  "payment": "debit-credit-card",
  "providerPayment": "Visa",
  "cryptoAmountOut": "0.0001",
  "fiatAmountIn": "100",
  "exchangeRate": "0.0001",
  "processingFees": [
      "label": "fee label",
      "fiatAmount:": "10"
  "networkFees": [
      "label": "fee label",
      "fiatAmount:": "10"
  "partnerFees": [
      "label": "fee label",
      "fiatAmount:": "10"
  "createdAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "transactionHash": "0x000000000",
  "walletAddress": "0x000000000",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "statusReason": "The order is currently being processed.",
  "partnerAccountId": "StablyRamp",
  "orderType": "BUY"
Response examples (500)
  "error": "string",
  "code": 42,
  "message": "string"