Retrieve the context for an Execution Step
JSON context for an individual step within an execution
Retrieve the context for an Execution Step.
Path parameters
The SID of the Flow with the Step to fetch.
The SID of the Execution resource with the Step to fetch.
The SID of the Step to fetch.
curl \
-X GET{FlowSid}/Executions/{ExecutionSid}/Steps/{StepSid}/Context \
--user "username:password"
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"execution_sid": "string",
"flow_sid": "string",
"step_sid": "string",
"url": ""
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"execution_sid": "string",
"flow_sid": "string",
"step_sid": "string",
"url": ""