Triggers a new Execution for the Flow

POST /v2/Flows/{FlowSid}/Executions

Executions of Studio flows

Triggers a new Execution for the Flow

Path parameters

  • FlowSid string Required

    The SID of the Excecution's Flow.


  • From string(phone-number) Required

    The Twilio phone number to send messages or initiate calls from during the Flow's Execution. Available as variable {{}}. For SMS, this can also be a Messaging Service SID.

  • JSON data that will be added to the Flow's context and that can be accessed as variables inside your Flow. For example, if you pass in Parameters={"name":"Zeke"}, a widget in your Flow can reference the variable {{}}, which returns "Zeke". Note: the JSON value must explicitly be passed as a string, not as a hash object. Depending on your particular HTTP library, you may need to add quotes or URL encode the JSON string.

  • To string(phone-number) Required

    The Contact phone number to start a Studio Flow Execution, available as variable {{}}.


  • Created

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • account_sid string | null

      The SID of the Account that created the resource

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • The phone number, SIP address or Client identifier that triggered the Execution

    • The current state of the flow

    • date_created string(date-time) | null

      The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created

    • date_updated string(date-time) | null

      The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated

    • flow_sid string | null

      The SID of the Flow

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^FW[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • sid string | null

      The unique string that identifies the resource

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^FN[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • status string | null

      The status of the Execution

      Values are active or ended.

    • url string(uri) | null

      The absolute URL of the resource

POST /v2/Flows/{FlowSid}/Executions
curl \
 -X POST{FlowSid}/Executions \
 --user "username:password" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
 -d 'From=string&To=string'
Request example
  "From": "string",
  "To": "string"
Request examples
  "From": "string",
  "To": "string"
Response examples (201)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "contact_channel_address": "string",
  "date_created": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "date_updated": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "flow_sid": "string",
  "links": {},
  "sid": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "url": ""
Response examples (201)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "contact_channel_address": "string",
  "date_created": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "date_updated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "flow_sid": "string",
  "links": {},
  "sid": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "url": ""