Get a list of Programmable Video Rooms

GET /v1/Video/Rooms

TODO: Resource-level docs

Get a list of Programmable Video Rooms.

Query parameters

  • RoomType array[string]

    Type of room. Can be go, peer_to_peer, group, or group_small.

  • Codec array[string]

    Codecs used by participants in the room. Can be VP8, H264, or VP9.

  • RoomName string

    Room friendly name.

  • CreatedAfter string(date-time)

    Only read rooms that started on or after this ISO 8601 timestamp.

  • CreatedBefore string(date-time)

    Only read rooms that started before this ISO 8601 timestamp.

  • PageSize integer

    How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000.

    Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 1000.


  • OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • meta object
      Hide meta attributes Show meta attributes object
    • rooms array[object]
      Hide rooms attributes Show rooms attributes array[object]
      • account_sid string | null

        Account SID associated with this room.

        Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

      • codecs array[string] | null

        Codecs used by participants in the room.

        Values are VP8, H264, or VP9.

      • Actual number of concurrent participants.

      • create_time string(date-time) | null

        Creation time of the room.

      • created_method string | null

        How the room was created.

        Values are sdk, ad_hoc, or api.

      • duration_sec integer | null

        Total room duration from create time to end time.

      • edge_location string | null

        Edge location of Twilio media servers for the room.

        Values are ashburn, dublin, frankfurt, singapore, sydney, sao_paulo, roaming, umatilla, or tokyo.

      • end_reason string | null

        Reason the room ended.

        Values are room_ended_via_api or timeout.

      • end_time string(date-time) | null

        End time for the room.

      • Maximum number of participants allowed in the room at the same time allowed by the application settings.

      • max_participants integer | null

        Max number of total participants allowed by the application settings.

      • media_region string | null

        Region of Twilio media servers for the room.

        Values are us1, us2, au1, br1, ie1, jp1, sg1, in1, de1, or gll.

      • processing_state string | null

        Video Log Analyzer resource state. Will be either in-progress or complete.

        Values are complete or in_progress.

      • recording_enabled boolean | null

        Boolean indicating if recording is enabled for the room.

      • room_name string | null

        room friendly name.

      • room_sid string | null

        Unique identifier for the room.

        Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^RM[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

      • room_status string | null

        Status of the room.

        Values are in_progress or completed.

      • room_type string | null

        Type of room.

        Values are go, peer_to_peer, group, or group_small.

      • status_callback string(uri) | null

        Webhook provided for status callbacks.

      • status_callback_method string(http-method) | null

        HTTP method provided for status callback URL.

        Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

      • Combined amount of participant time in the room.

      • Combined amount of recorded seconds for participants in the room.

      • Unique number of participant identities.

      • unique_participants integer | null

        Number of participants. May include duplicate identities for participants who left and rejoined.

      • url string(uri) | null

        URL for the room resource.

GET /v1/Video/Rooms
curl \
 -X GET \
 --user "username:password"
Response examples (200)
  "meta": {
    "first_page_url": "",
    "key": "string",
    "next_page_url": "",
    "page": 42,
    "page_size": 42,
    "previous_page_url": "",
    "url": ""
  "rooms": [
      "account_sid": "string",
      "codecs": [
      "concurrent_participants": 42,
      "create_time": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "created_method": "sdk",
      "duration_sec": 42,
      "edge_location": "ashburn",
      "end_reason": "room_ended_via_api",
      "end_time": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "links": {},
      "max_concurrent_participants": 42,
      "max_participants": 42,
      "media_region": "us1",
      "processing_state": "complete",
      "recording_enabled": true,
      "room_name": "string",
      "room_sid": "string",
      "room_status": "in_progress",
      "room_type": "go",
      "status_callback": "",
      "status_callback_method": "HEAD",
      "total_participant_duration_sec": 42,
      "total_recording_duration_sec": 42,
      "unique_participant_identities": 42,
      "unique_participants": 42,
      "url": ""
Response examples (200)
  "meta": {
    "first_page_url": "",
    "key": "string",
    "next_page_url": "",
    "page": 42,
    "page_size": 42,
    "previous_page_url": "",
    "url": ""
  "rooms": [
      "account_sid": "string",
      "codecs": [
      "concurrent_participants": 42,
      "create_time": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
      "created_method": "sdk",
      "duration_sec": 42,
      "edge_location": "ashburn",
      "end_reason": "room_ended_via_api",
      "end_time": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
      "links": {},
      "max_concurrent_participants": 42,
      "max_participants": 42,
      "media_region": "us1",
      "processing_state": "complete",
      "recording_enabled": true,
      "room_name": "string",
      "room_sid": "string",
      "room_status": "in_progress",
      "room_type": "go",
      "status_callback": "",
      "status_callback_method": "HEAD",
      "total_participant_duration_sec": 42,
      "total_recording_duration_sec": 42,
      "unique_participant_identities": 42,
      "unique_participants": 42,
      "url": ""