Update an existing conversation in your service

POST /v1/Services/{ChatServiceSid}/Conversations/{Sid}

A Service Conversation resource represents an omnichannel group conversation with an ordered list of messages and a participant roster.

Update an existing conversation in your service


Path parameters

  • ChatServiceSid string Required

    The SID of the Conversation Service the Conversation resource is associated with.

  • Sid string Required

    A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource. Can also be the unique_name of the Conversation.


  • An optional string metadata field you can use to store any data you wish. The string value must contain structurally valid JSON if specified. Note that if the attributes are not set "{}" will be returned.

  • DateCreated string(date-time)

    The date that this resource was created.

  • DateUpdated string(date-time)

    The date that this resource was last updated.

  • The human-readable name of this conversation, limited to 256 characters. Optional.

  • The unique ID of the Messaging Service this conversation belongs to.

    Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^MG[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

  • State string

    Current state of this conversation. Can be either active, inactive or closed and defaults to active

    Values are inactive, active, or closed.

  • ISO8601 duration when conversation will be switched to closed state. Minimum value for this timer is 10 minutes.

  • ISO8601 duration when conversation will be switched to inactive state. Minimum value for this timer is 1 minute.

  • An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource. It can be used to address the resource in place of the resource's sid in the URL.


  • OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • account_sid string | null

      The unique ID of the Account responsible for this conversation.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • attributes string | null

      An optional string metadata field you can use to store any data you wish.

    • chat_service_sid string | null

      The unique ID of the Conversation Service this conversation belongs to.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^IS[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • date_created string(date-time) | null

      The date that this resource was created.

    • date_updated string(date-time) | null

      The date that this resource was last updated.

    • friendly_name string | null

      The human-readable name of this conversation.

    • The unique ID of the Messaging Service this conversation belongs to.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^MG[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • sid string | null

      A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CH[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • state string | null

      Current state of this conversation.

      Values are inactive, active, or closed.

    • Timer date values for this conversation.

    • unique_name string | null

      An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource

    • url string(uri) | null

      An absolute URL for this conversation.

POST /v1/Services/{ChatServiceSid}/Conversations/{Sid}
curl \
 -X POST https://conversations.twilio.com/v1/Services/{ChatServiceSid}/Conversations/{Sid} \
 --user "username:password" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
 -H "X-Twilio-Webhook-Enabled: true" \
 -d 'Attributes=string&DateCreated=2023-05-04T09%3A42%3A00%2B00%3A00&DateUpdated=2023-05-04T09%3A42%3A00%2B00%3A00&FriendlyName=string&MessagingServiceSid=string&State=inactive&Timers.Closed=string&Timers.Inactive=string&UniqueName=string'
Request example
# Headers
X-Twilio-Webhook-Enabled: true

# Payload
  "Attributes": "string",
  "DateCreated": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "DateUpdated": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "FriendlyName": "string",
  "MessagingServiceSid": "string",
  "State": "inactive",
  "Timers.Closed": "string",
  "Timers.Inactive": "string",
  "UniqueName": "string"
Request examples
# Headers
X-Twilio-Webhook-Enabled: true

# Payload
  "Attributes": "string",
  "DateCreated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "DateUpdated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "FriendlyName": "string",
  "MessagingServiceSid": "string",
  "State": "inactive",
  "Timers.Closed": "string",
  "Timers.Inactive": "string",
  "UniqueName": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "attributes": "string",
  "chat_service_sid": "string",
  "date_created": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "date_updated": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "friendly_name": "string",
  "links": {},
  "messaging_service_sid": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "state": "inactive",
  "unique_name": "string",
  "url": "https://example.com"
Response examples (200)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "attributes": "string",
  "chat_service_sid": "string",
  "date_created": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "date_updated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "friendly_name": "string",
  "links": {},
  "messaging_service_sid": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "state": "inactive",
  "unique_name": "string",
  "url": "https://example.com"