Fetch the configuration of a conversation-scoped webhook

GET /v1/Conversations/{ConversationSid}/Webhooks/{Sid}

A Scoped Webhook resource manages a set of callback URLs and their configuration for receiving events specific to one conversation.

Fetch the configuration of a conversation-scoped webhook

Path parameters


  • OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • account_sid string | null

      The unique ID of the Account responsible for this conversation.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • The configuration of this webhook.

    • conversation_sid string | null

      The unique ID of the Conversation for this webhook.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CH[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • date_created string(date-time) | null

      The date that this resource was created.

    • date_updated string(date-time) | null

      The date that this resource was last updated.

    • sid string | null

      A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^WH[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • target string | null

      The target of this webhook.

    • url string(uri) | null

      An absolute URL for this webhook.

GET /v1/Conversations/{ConversationSid}/Webhooks/{Sid}
curl \
 -X GET https://conversations.twilio.com/v1/Conversations/{ConversationSid}/Webhooks/{Sid} \
 --user "username:password"
Response examples (200)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "conversation_sid": "string",
  "date_created": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "date_updated": "2023-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "sid": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "url": "https://example.com"
Response examples (200)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "conversation_sid": "string",
  "date_created": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "date_updated": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
  "sid": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "url": "https://example.com"