Fetch a single media instance belonging to the account used to make the request
The Media resource represents a piece of media, such as an image, that is associated with a message.
Fetch a single media instance belonging to the account used to make the request
Path parameters
The SID of the Account that created the Media resource(s) to fetch.
The SID of the Message resource that this Media resource belongs to.
The Twilio-provided string that uniquely identifies the Media resource to fetch
curl \
-X GET https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Messages/{MessageSid}/Media/{Sid}.json \
--user "username:password"
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"content_type": "string",
"date_created": "string",
"date_updated": "string",
"parent_sid": "string",
"sid": "string",
"uri": "https://example.com"
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"content_type": "string",
"date_created": "string",
"date_updated": "string",
"parent_sid": "string",
"sid": "string",
"uri": "https://example.com"