Fetch the call specified by the provided Call SID
A Call is an object that represents a connection between a telephone and Twilio.
Fetch the call specified by the provided Call SID
Path parameters
The SID of the Account that created the Call resource(s) to fetch.
The SID of the Call resource to fetch.
curl \
-X GET https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{Sid}.json \
--user "username:password"
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"answered_by": "string",
"api_version": "string",
"caller_name": "string",
"date_created": "string",
"date_updated": "string",
"direction": "string",
"duration": "string",
"end_time": "string",
"forwarded_from": "string",
"from": "string",
"from_formatted": "string",
"group_sid": "string",
"parent_call_sid": "string",
"phone_number_sid": "string",
"price": "string",
"price_unit": "string",
"queue_time": "string",
"sid": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": "queued",
"subresource_uris": {},
"to": "string",
"to_formatted": "string",
"trunk_sid": "string",
"uri": "https://example.com"
Response examples (200)
"account_sid": "string",
"answered_by": "string",
"api_version": "string",
"caller_name": "string",
"date_created": "string",
"date_updated": "string",
"direction": "string",
"duration": "string",
"end_time": "string",
"forwarded_from": "string",
"from": "string",
"from_formatted": "string",
"group_sid": "string",
"parent_call_sid": "string",
"phone_number_sid": "string",
"price": "string",
"price_unit": "string",
"queue_time": "string",
"sid": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": "queued",
"subresource_uris": {},
"to": "string",
"to_formatted": "string",
"trunk_sid": "string",
"uri": "https://example.com"