Delete a FeedbackSummary resource from a call

DELETE /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/FeedbackSummary/{Sid}.json

Call FeedbackSummary resources provide an idea of how your end user's perceive the quality of their calls and the most common issues they have encountered in the context of all your voice traffic during a specific time frame.

Delete a FeedbackSummary resource from a call

Path parameters

  • AccountSid string Required

    The unique id of the Account responsible for this resource.

  • Sid string Required

    A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.


  • 204

    The resource was deleted successfully.

DELETE /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/FeedbackSummary/{Sid}.json
curl \
 -X DELETE{AccountSid}/Calls/FeedbackSummary/{Sid}.json \
 --user "username:password"