Create participant

POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants.json

Conference participants

Path parameters



  • Beep string

    Whether to play a notification beep to the conference when the participant joins. Can be: true, false, onEnter, or onExit. The default value is true.

  • Byoc string

    The SID of a BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) trunk to route this call with. Note that byoc is only meaningful when to is a phone number; it will otherwise be ignored. (Beta)

    Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^BY[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

  • The Reason for the outgoing call. Use it to specify the purpose of the call that is presented on the called party's phone. (Branded Calls Beta)

  • The SID of the participant who is being coached. The participant being coached is the only participant who can hear the participant who is coaching.

    Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

  • CallerId string

    The phone number, Client identifier, or username portion of SIP address that made this call. Phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +16175551212). Client identifiers are formatted client:name. If using a phone number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified outgoing caller id for your account. If the to parameter is a phone number, callerId must also be a phone number. If to is sip address, this value of callerId should be a username portion to be used to populate the From header that is passed to the SIP endpoint.

  • Coaching boolean

    Whether the participant is coaching another call. Can be: true or false. If not present, defaults to false unless call_sid_to_coach is defined. If true, call_sid_to_coach must be defined.

  • Whether to record the conference the participant is joining. Can be: true, false, record-from-start, and do-not-record. The default value is false.

  • The URL we should call using the conference_recording_status_callback_method when the conference recording is available.

  • The conference recording state changes that generate a call to conference_recording_status_callback. Can be: in-progress, completed, failed, and absent. Separate multiple values with a space, ex: 'in-progress completed failed'

  • The HTTP method we should use to call conference_recording_status_callback. Can be: GET or POST and defaults to POST.

    Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

  • The URL we should call using the conference_status_callback_method when the conference events in conference_status_callback_event occur. Only the value set by the first participant to join the conference is used. Subsequent conference_status_callback values are ignored.

  • The conference state changes that should generate a call to conference_status_callback. Can be: start, end, join, leave, mute, hold, modify, speaker, and announcement. Separate multiple values with a space. Defaults to start end.

  • The HTTP method we should use to call conference_status_callback. Can be: GET or POST and defaults to POST.

    Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

  • Whether to trim leading and trailing silence from your recorded conference audio files. Can be: trim-silence or do-not-trim and defaults to trim-silence.

  • EarlyMedia boolean

    Whether to allow an agent to hear the state of the outbound call, including ringing or disconnect messages. Can be: true or false and defaults to true.

  • Whether to end the conference when the participant leaves. Can be: true or false and defaults to false.

  • From string Required

    The phone number, Client identifier, or username portion of SIP address that made this call. Phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +16175551212). Client identifiers are formatted client:name. If using a phone number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified outgoing caller id for your account. If the to parameter is a phone number, from must also be a phone number. If to is sip address, this value of from should be a username portion to be used to populate the P-Asserted-Identity header that is passed to the SIP endpoint.

  • Jitter buffer size for the connecting participant. Twilio will use this setting to apply Jitter Buffer before participant's audio is mixed into the conference. Can be: off, small, medium, and large. Default to large.

  • Label string

    A label for this participant. If one is supplied, it may subsequently be used to fetch, update or delete the participant.

  • The maximum number of participants in the conference. Can be a positive integer from 2 to 250. The default value is 250.

  • Muted boolean

    Whether the agent is muted in the conference. Can be true or false and the default is false.

  • Record boolean

    Whether to record the participant and their conferences, including the time between conferences. Can be true or false and the default is false.

  • The recording channels for the final recording. Can be: mono or dual and the default is mono.

  • The URL that we should call using the recording_status_callback_method when the recording status changes.

  • The recording state changes that should generate a call to recording_status_callback. Can be: started, in-progress, paused, resumed, stopped, completed, failed, and absent. Separate multiple values with a space, ex: 'in-progress completed failed'.

  • The HTTP method we should use when we call recording_status_callback. Can be: GET or POST and defaults to POST.

    Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

  • The audio track to record for the call. Can be: inbound, outbound or both. The default is both. inbound records the audio that is received by Twilio. outbound records the audio that is sent from Twilio. both records the audio that is received and sent by Twilio.

  • Region string

    The region where we should mix the recorded audio. Can be:us1, ie1, de1, sg1, br1, au1, or jp1.

  • The SIP password for authentication.

  • The SIP username used for authentication.

  • Whether to start the conference when the participant joins, if it has not already started. Can be: true or false and the default is true. If false and the conference has not started, the participant is muted and hears background music until another participant starts the conference.

  • StatusCallback string(uri)

    The URL we should call using the status_callback_method to send status information to your application.

  • StatusCallbackEvent array[string]

    The conference state changes that should generate a call to status_callback. Can be: initiated, ringing, answered, and completed. Separate multiple values with a space. The default value is completed.

  • StatusCallbackMethod string(http-method)

    The HTTP method we should use to call status_callback. Can be: GET and POST and defaults to POST.

    Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

  • TimeLimit integer

    The maximum duration of the call in seconds. Constraints depend on account and configuration.

  • Timeout integer

    The number of seconds that we should allow the phone to ring before assuming there is no answer. Can be an integer between 5 and 600, inclusive. The default value is 60. We always add a 5-second timeout buffer to outgoing calls, so value of 10 would result in an actual timeout that was closer to 15 seconds.

  • To string Required

    The phone number, SIP address, or Client identifier that received this call. Phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +16175551212). SIP addresses are formatted as sip:[email protected]. Client identifiers are formatted client:name. Custom parameters may also be specified.

  • WaitMethod string(http-method)

    The HTTP method we should use to call wait_url. Can be GET or POST and the default is POST. When using a static audio file, this should be GET so that we can cache the file.

    Values are HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE.

  • WaitUrl string(uri)

    The URL we should call using the wait_method for the music to play while participants are waiting for the conference to start. The default value is the URL of our standard hold music. Learn more about hold music.


  • 201


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • account_sid string | null

      The SID of the Account that created the resource

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • call_sid string | null

      The SID of the Call the resource is associated with

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • call_sid_to_coach string | null

      The SID of the participant who is being coached

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • coaching boolean | null

      Indicates if the participant changed to coach

    • conference_sid string | null

      The SID of the conference the participant is in

      Minimum length is 34, maximum length is 34. Format should match the following pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$.

    • date_created string(date-time-rfc-2822) | null

      The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was created

    • date_updated string(date-time-rfc-2822) | null

      The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was last updated

    • Whether the conference ends when the participant leaves

    • hold boolean | null

      Whether the participant is on hold

    • label string | null

      The label of this participant

    • muted boolean | null

      Whether the participant is muted

    • Whether the conference starts when the participant joins the conference

    • status string | null

      The status of the participant's call in a session

      Values are queued, connecting, ringing, connected, complete, or failed.

    • uri string | null

      The URI of the resource, relative to

POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants.json
curl \
 -X POST{AccountSid}/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants.json \
 --user "username:password" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
 -d 'Beep=string&Byoc=string&CallReason=string&CallSidToCoach=string&CallerId=string&Coaching=true&ConferenceRecord=string&'
Request example
  "Beep": "string",
  "Byoc": "string",
  "CallReason": "string",
  "CallSidToCoach": "string",
  "CallerId": "string",
  "Coaching": true,
  "ConferenceRecord": "string",
  "ConferenceRecordingStatusCallback": "",
  "ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackEvent": [
  "ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackMethod": "HEAD",
  "ConferenceStatusCallback": "",
  "ConferenceStatusCallbackEvent": [
  "ConferenceStatusCallbackMethod": "HEAD",
  "ConferenceTrim": "string",
  "EarlyMedia": true,
  "EndConferenceOnExit": true,
  "From": "string",
  "JitterBufferSize": "string",
  "Label": "string",
  "MaxParticipants": 42,
  "Muted": true,
  "Record": true,
  "RecordingChannels": "string",
  "RecordingStatusCallback": "",
  "RecordingStatusCallbackEvent": [
  "RecordingStatusCallbackMethod": "HEAD",
  "RecordingTrack": "string",
  "Region": "string",
  "SipAuthPassword": "string",
  "SipAuthUsername": "string",
  "StartConferenceOnEnter": true,
  "StatusCallback": "",
  "StatusCallbackEvent": [
  "StatusCallbackMethod": "HEAD",
  "TimeLimit": 42,
  "Timeout": 42,
  "To": "string",
  "WaitMethod": "HEAD",
  "WaitUrl": ""
Response examples (201)
  "account_sid": "string",
  "call_sid": "string",
  "call_sid_to_coach": "string",
  "coaching": true,
  "conference_sid": "string",
  "date_created": "string",
  "date_updated": "string",
  "end_conference_on_exit": true,
  "hold": true,
  "label": "string",
  "muted": true,
  "start_conference_on_enter": true,
  "status": "queued",
  "uri": "string"