Create Account Public Key
status: stable
Derive an account public key for any account index. For this key derivation to be possible, the wallet must have been created from mnemonic.
Note: Only Hardened indexes are supported by this endpoint.
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:8090/v2/shared-wallets/{walletId}/keys/1852H \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"passphrase":"Secure Passphrase","format":"extended"}'
Request examples
"passphrase": "Secure Passphrase",
"format": "extended"
Response examples (415)
"message": "string",
"code": "an_error_code"
Response examples (406)
"message": "string",
"code": "not_acceptable"
Response examples (400)
"message": "string",
"code": "bad_request"
Response examples (202)