Update default sign-in experience settings

PATCH /api/sign-in-exp

Update the default sign-in experience settings with the provided data.

Query parameters


Body Required

  • tenantId string

    Maximum length is 21.

  • color object

    Specify the primary branding color for the sign-in page (both light/dark mode).

    Hide color attributes Show color attributes object
    • primaryColor string(regex) Required

      Format should match the following pattern: /^#[\da-f]{3}([\da-f]{3})?$/i.

    • isDarkModeEnabled boolean Required
    • darkPrimaryColor string(regex) Required

      Format should match the following pattern: /^#[\da-f]{3}([\da-f]{3})?$/i.

  • branding object
    Hide branding attributes Show branding attributes object
  • Control the language detection policy for the sign-in page.

    Hide languageInfo attributes Show languageInfo attributes object
    • autoDetect boolean Required
    • fallbackLanguage string Required

      Values are af-ZA, am-ET, ar-AR, as-IN, az-AZ, be-BY, bg-BG, bn-IN, br-FR, bs-BA, ca-ES, cb-IQ, co-FR, cs-CZ, cx-PH, cy-GB, da-DK, de, de-DE, el-GR, en, en-GB, en-US, eo-EO, es, es-ES, es-419, et-EE, eu-ES, fa-IR, ff-NG, fi-FI, fo-FO, fr, fr-CA, fr-FR, fy-NL, ga-IE, gl-ES, gn-PY, gu-IN, ha-NG, he-IL, hi-IN, hr-HR, ht-HT, hu-HU, hy-AM, id-ID, ik-US, is-IS, it, it-IT, iu-CA, ja, ja-JP, ja-KS, jv-ID, ka-GE, kk-KZ, km-KH, kn-IN, ko, ko-KR, ku-TR, ky-KG, lo-LA, lt-LT, lv-LV, mg-MG, mk-MK, ml-IN, mn-MN, mr-IN, ms-MY, mt-MT, my-MM, nb-NO, ne-NP, nl-BE, nl-NL, nn-NO, or-IN, pa-IN, pl-PL, ps-AF, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru, ru-RU, rw-RW, sc-IT, si-LK, sk-SK, sl-SI, sn-ZW, sq-AL, sr-RS, sv-SE, sw-KE, sy-SY, sz-PL, ta-IN, te-IN, tg-TJ, th-TH, tl-PH, tr, tr-TR, tt-RU, tz-MA, uk-UA, ur-PK, uz-UZ, vi-VN, zh, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-MO, zh-TW, or zz-TR.

  • Values are Automatic, ManualRegistrationOnly, or Manual.

  • signIn object

    Sign-in method settings

    Hide signIn attribute Show signIn attribute object
  • signUp object

    Sign-up method settings

    Hide signUp attributes Show signUp attributes object
    • identifiers array[string] Required

      Specify allowed identifiers when signing-up.

      Values are username, email, or phone.

    • password boolean Required

      Whether the user is required to set a password when signing-up.

    • verify boolean Required

      Whether the user is required to verify their email/phone when signing-up.

  • Hide socialSignIn attribute Show socialSignIn attribute object
  • Specify the social sign-in connectors to display on the sign-in page.

  • Values are SignIn, Register, or SignInAndRegister.

  • customCss string | null
  • Custom content to display on experience flow pages. the page pathname will be the config key, the content will be the config value.

    Hide customContent attributes Show customContent attributes object
  • customUiAssets object | null
    Hide customUiAssets attributes Show customUiAssets attributes object | null
  • Password policies to adjust the password strength requirements.

    Hide passwordPolicy attributes Show passwordPolicy attributes object
    • length object

      Default value is {} (empty).

      Hide length attributes Show length attributes object
      • min number Required

        Default value is 8.

      • max number Required

        Default value is 256.

    • Default value is {} (empty).

      Hide characterTypes attribute Show characterTypes attribute object
      • min number Required

        Default value is 1.

    • rejects object

      Default value is {} (empty).

      Hide rejects attributes Show rejects attributes object
  • mfa object

    MFA settings

    Hide mfa attributes Show mfa attributes object
    • factors array[string] Required

      Values are Totp, WebAuthn, or BackupCode.

    • policy string Required

      Values are UserControlled or Mandatory.


  • 200 application/json

    Updated default sign-in experience settings.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • tenantId string Required

      Maximum length is 21.

    • id string Required

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 21.

    • color object Required
      Hide color attributes Show color attributes object
      • primaryColor string(regex) Required

        Format should match the following pattern: /^#[\da-f]{3}([\da-f]{3})?$/i.

      • isDarkModeEnabled boolean Required
      • darkPrimaryColor string(regex) Required

        Format should match the following pattern: /^#[\da-f]{3}([\da-f]{3})?$/i.

    • branding object Required
      Hide branding attributes Show branding attributes object
    • languageInfo object Required
      Hide languageInfo attributes Show languageInfo attributes object
      • autoDetect boolean Required
      • fallbackLanguage string Required

        Values are af-ZA, am-ET, ar-AR, as-IN, az-AZ, be-BY, bg-BG, bn-IN, br-FR, bs-BA, ca-ES, cb-IQ, co-FR, cs-CZ, cx-PH, cy-GB, da-DK, de, de-DE, el-GR, en, en-GB, en-US, eo-EO, es, es-ES, es-419, et-EE, eu-ES, fa-IR, ff-NG, fi-FI, fo-FO, fr, fr-CA, fr-FR, fy-NL, ga-IE, gl-ES, gn-PY, gu-IN, ha-NG, he-IL, hi-IN, hr-HR, ht-HT, hu-HU, hy-AM, id-ID, ik-US, is-IS, it, it-IT, iu-CA, ja, ja-JP, ja-KS, jv-ID, ka-GE, kk-KZ, km-KH, kn-IN, ko, ko-KR, ku-TR, ky-KG, lo-LA, lt-LT, lv-LV, mg-MG, mk-MK, ml-IN, mn-MN, mr-IN, ms-MY, mt-MT, my-MM, nb-NO, ne-NP, nl-BE, nl-NL, nn-NO, or-IN, pa-IN, pl-PL, ps-AF, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru, ru-RU, rw-RW, sc-IT, si-LK, sk-SK, sl-SI, sn-ZW, sq-AL, sr-RS, sv-SE, sw-KE, sy-SY, sz-PL, ta-IN, te-IN, tg-TJ, th-TH, tl-PH, tr, tr-TR, tt-RU, tz-MA, uk-UA, ur-PK, uz-UZ, vi-VN, zh, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-MO, zh-TW, or zz-TR.

    • termsOfUseUrl string | null Required

      Maximum length is 2048.

    • privacyPolicyUrl string | null Required

      Maximum length is 2048.

    • agreeToTermsPolicy string Required

      Values are Automatic, ManualRegistrationOnly, or Manual.

    • signIn object Required
      Hide signIn attribute Show signIn attribute object
    • signUp object Required
      Hide signUp attributes Show signUp attributes object
    • socialSignIn object Required
      Hide socialSignIn attribute Show socialSignIn attribute object
    • socialSignInConnectorTargets array[string] Required
    • signInMode string Required

      Values are SignIn, Register, or SignInAndRegister.

    • customCss string | null Required
    • customContent object Required
      Hide customContent attributes Show customContent attributes object
    • customUiAssets object | null Required
      Hide customUiAssets attributes Show customUiAssets attributes object | null
    • passwordPolicy object Required
      Hide passwordPolicy attributes Show passwordPolicy attributes object
      • length object

        Default value is {} (empty).

        Hide length attributes Show length attributes object
        • min number Required

          Default value is 8.

        • max number Required

          Default value is 256.

      • Default value is {} (empty).

        Hide characterTypes attribute Show characterTypes attribute object
        • min number Required

          Default value is 1.

      • rejects object

        Default value is {} (empty).

        Hide rejects attributes Show rejects attributes object
    • mfa object Required
      Hide mfa attributes Show mfa attributes object
      • factors array[string] Required

        Values are Totp, WebAuthn, or BackupCode.

      • policy string Required

        Values are UserControlled or Mandatory.

    • singleSignOnEnabled boolean Required
  • Bad request. Invalid data provided.

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Default sign-in experience settings not found.

  • Unprocessable Entity. Invalid data provided.

PATCH /api/sign-in-exp
curl \
 -X PATCH https://[tenant_id].logto.app/api/sign-in-exp \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"tenantId":"string","color":{"primaryColor":"string","isDarkModeEnabled":true,"darkPrimaryColor":"string"},"branding":{"logoUrl":"string","darkLogoUrl":"string","favicon":"string","darkFavicon":"string"},"languageInfo":{"autoDetect":true,"fallbackLanguage":"af-ZA"},"agreeToTermsPolicy":"Automatic","signIn":{"methods":[{"identifier":"username","password":true,"verificationCode":true,"isPasswordPrimary":true}]},"signUp":{"identifiers":["username"],"password":true,"verify":true},"socialSignIn":{"automaticAccountLinking":true},"socialSignInConnectorTargets":["string"],"signInMode":"SignIn","customCss":"string","customContent":{"key":"string"},"customUiAssets":{"id":"string","createdAt":42.0},"passwordPolicy":{"length":{"min":8,"max":256},"characterTypes":{"min":1},"rejects":{"pwned":true,"repetitionAndSequence":true,"userInfo":true,"words":[]}},"mfa":{"factors":["Totp"],"policy":"UserControlled"},"singleSignOnEnabled":true,"termsOfUseUrl":"string","privacyPolicyUrl":"string"}'
Request examples
  "tenantId": "string",
  "color": {
    "primaryColor": "string",
    "isDarkModeEnabled": true,
    "darkPrimaryColor": "string"
  "branding": {
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "darkLogoUrl": "string",
    "favicon": "string",
    "darkFavicon": "string"
  "languageInfo": {
    "autoDetect": true,
    "fallbackLanguage": "af-ZA"
  "agreeToTermsPolicy": "Automatic",
  "signIn": {
    "methods": [
        "identifier": "username",
        "password": true,
        "verificationCode": true,
        "isPasswordPrimary": true
  "signUp": {
    "identifiers": [
    "password": true,
    "verify": true
  "socialSignIn": {
    "automaticAccountLinking": true
  "socialSignInConnectorTargets": [
  "signInMode": "SignIn",
  "customCss": "string",
  "customContent": {
    "key": "string"
  "customUiAssets": {
    "id": "string",
    "createdAt": 42.0
  "passwordPolicy": {
    "length": {
      "min": 8,
      "max": 256
    "characterTypes": {
      "min": 1
    "rejects": {
      "pwned": true,
      "repetitionAndSequence": true,
      "userInfo": true,
      "words": []
  "mfa": {
    "factors": [
    "policy": "UserControlled"
  "singleSignOnEnabled": true,
  "termsOfUseUrl": "string",
  "privacyPolicyUrl": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "tenantId": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "color": {
    "primaryColor": "string",
    "isDarkModeEnabled": true,
    "darkPrimaryColor": "string"
  "branding": {
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "darkLogoUrl": "string",
    "favicon": "string",
    "darkFavicon": "string"
  "languageInfo": {
    "autoDetect": true,
    "fallbackLanguage": "af-ZA"
  "termsOfUseUrl": "string",
  "privacyPolicyUrl": "string",
  "agreeToTermsPolicy": "Automatic",
  "signIn": {
    "methods": [
        "identifier": "username",
        "password": true,
        "verificationCode": true,
        "isPasswordPrimary": true
  "signUp": {
    "identifiers": [
    "password": true,
    "verify": true
  "socialSignIn": {
    "automaticAccountLinking": true
  "socialSignInConnectorTargets": [
  "signInMode": "SignIn",
  "customCss": "string",
  "customContent": {
    "key": "string"
  "customUiAssets": {
    "id": "string",
    "createdAt": 42.0
  "passwordPolicy": {
    "length": {
      "min": 8,
      "max": 256
    "characterTypes": {
      "min": 1
    "rejects": {
      "pwned": true,
      "repetitionAndSequence": true,
      "userInfo": true,
      "words": []
  "mfa": {
    "factors": [
    "policy": "UserControlled"
  "singleSignOnEnabled": true