Get the application level sign-in experience
Get application level sign-in experience for a given application.
Only branding properties and terms links customization is supported for now.
Only third-party applications can have the sign-in experience customization for now.
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the application.
GET /api/applications/{applicationId}/sign-in-experience
curl \
-X GET https://[tenant_id]{applicationId}/sign-in-experience \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"tenantId": "string",
"applicationId": "string",
"color": {
"primaryColor": "string",
"isDarkModeEnabled": true,
"darkPrimaryColor": "string"
"branding": {
"logoUrl": "string",
"darkLogoUrl": "string",
"favicon": "string",
"darkFavicon": "string"
"termsOfUseUrl": "string",
"privacyPolicyUrl": "string",
"displayName": "string"