Create image

POST /images/generations

Creates an image given a prompt.


Body Required

  • prompt string Required

    A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters for dall-e-2 and 4000 characters for dall-e-3.

  • model string | null

    Any of:

    The model to use for image generation.

    Default value is dall-e-2.

    The model to use for image generation.

    Values are dall-e-2 or dall-e-3. Default value is dall-e-2.

  • n integer | null

    The number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10. For dall-e-3, only n=1 is supported.

    Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 10. Default value is 1.

  • quality string

    The quality of the image that will be generated. hd creates images with finer details and greater consistency across the image. This param is only supported for dall-e-3.

    Values are standard or hd. Default value is standard.

  • response_format string | null

    The format in which the generated images are returned. Must be one of url or b64_json. URLs are only valid for 60 minutes after the image has been generated.

    Values are url or b64_json. Default value is url.

  • size string | null

    The size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024 for dall-e-2. Must be one of 1024x1024, 1792x1024, or 1024x1792 for dall-e-3 models.

    Values are 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 1792x1024, or 1024x1792. Default value is 1024x1024.

  • style string | null

    The style of the generated images. Must be one of vivid or natural. Vivid causes the model to lean towards generating hyper-real and dramatic images. Natural causes the model to produce more natural, less hyper-real looking images. This param is only supported for dall-e-3.

    Values are vivid or natural. Default value is vivid.

  • user string

    A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. Learn more.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • created integer Required
    • data array[object] Required

      Represents the url or the content of an image generated by the OpenAI API.

      Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
      • b64_json string

        The base64-encoded JSON of the generated image, if response_format is b64_json.

      • url string

        The URL of the generated image, if response_format is url (default).

      • The prompt that was used to generate the image, if there was any revision to the prompt.

POST /images/generations
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"prompt":"A cute baby sea otter","model":"dall-e-3","n":1,"quality":"standard","response_format":"url","size":"1024x1024","style":"vivid","user":"user-1234"}'
Request example
  "prompt": "A cute baby sea otter",
  "model": "dall-e-3",
  "n": 1,
  "quality": "standard",
  "response_format": "url",
  "size": "1024x1024",
  "style": "vivid",
  "user": "user-1234"
Response examples (200)
  "created": 42,
  "data": [
      "b64_json": "string",
      "url": "string",
      "revised_prompt": "string"