Blog Bump News June 2021

Bump News June 2021

We always try to fulfill our mission of helping teams to make API development enjoyable. The first half of 2021 is almost over, and its last month has meant the release of many updates and enhancements at Bump, mainly:

  1. A new Bump CLI
  2. A proper onboarding for first time user
  3. Darkmode support

That's just to name a few, but let's dive in details into what happened.

Bump CLI

It was time for us to say goodbye to our good old ruby gem based CLI. Even though it was a great go to at the time, in order to make Bump easily accessible we decided to swap with a node-based CLI.

You can now easily install Bump CLI using the following command:

  npm install -g bump-cli

And it comes with support of recursive external references $ref, which allows you to refactor your API definitions in small chunks, re-use parts of it, and separate concerns between endpoints, models or nested-objects in peace.

You will find more information about our CLI commands in our help center, or you can dive into its open-source code on GitHub .


Did you ever create an account and generate a documentation using Well it is time to do so, as we just released a new way to onboard our users during the first deployment of their documentation. You can now easily and quickly dive into the creation process, and even use an example whether it is an OpenAPI or an AsyncAPI one. Curious? Get started with

Documentation in your pocket

We obviously read API documentation most of the time using our laptop, while building something to consume a product. But sometimes we just need to have a look at a certain information, and if there is a tool we all have with us most of the time, it is our phone. That's why we enhanced the responsive experience for our dashboard and documentation, so you can use Bump everywhere with everything (as long as it can connect to the internet).

Bump responsive

Lazy rendering

Sometimes an API documentation can be cumbersome, and it can be frustrating to wait in front of a blank page until it is fully loaded. That's why we came up with lazy rendering: we have fully re-engineered the way we compute specifications and generate documentation to make it always available, as fast as we can.


The darkmode has widely spread among websites, and became a first-class feature of many operating systems. Whether you like to enable it for its aesthetic or as a response to the, like Sébastien says, “it's too flashy I can't read this doc at 2am”, you can now freely choose your preferred color scheme on your Bump documentation.

Bump darkmode

Generated examples

We keep working on generated example to carry on enhancing the experience from the consumer point of view:

Default field values

The default field is now supported on both OpenAPI & AsyncAPI.

Curl example

multipart/form-data content type endpoint examples are now supported.

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